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Wild from the Sea

Distributing frozen wild sockeye salmon fillets, with pin bones removed,
to wholesale and retail customers around Northern New Mexico.

All the sockeye is caught during the short June and July commercial fishing season in Alaska’s Bristol Bay. The sockeye run in Bristol Bay is the largest in the world. All Salmón Salvaje NM fillets are Marine Stewardship Council (MSC-C-50251) certified as coming from a sustainable fishery and are Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) certificatied (OCALA182).

Boat to Table

Boat to Table

Wild sockeye eat krill and zooplankton, packing on omega-3 oil that makes them a great nutritional choice. We fish them from their wild habitat and deliver premium Pacific salmon for your table.

Family & Friend-Run

Friends and family make the trek north every summer to Bristol Bay’s commercial salmon fishery.

Salmon Preparation and Recipes

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