A Great Nutritional Choice

Why are wild salmon healthier?
Wild sockeye salmon eat krill and zooplankton, packing on omega-3 oil for their long journey from sea to that makes them a great nutritional choice. They spend most of their life thousands of miles from human industrial pollution and eat from the bottom of the food chain, resulting in lower mercury concentrations than fish like marlin, tuna, shark, swordfish, Chilean sea bass and mackerel.

A firm texture and natural deep red color characterize wild salmon. We fish them from their wild habitat in Bristol Bay (a sustainable fishery), process and freeze them in Naknek and ship them by barge to Seattle. They travel by truck to cold storage and from there finish their journey to your table.

Salmon Cuts


Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon

Oncorhynchus nerka

Product of USA

Caught at Sea Northwest Pacific FAO 67

Keep Frozen

Preparation Instructions and Recipes